Friday 16 September 2016

how to publish nopcommerce to azure

I am new to nopcommerce. nopcommerce is running fine in visual express for web and I have customized several features. I tried to publish it to azure: I changed build for every project in the solution to release and made a rebuild I highlight Nop.Web (or NopAdmin) project and click publish and follow steps: however publish fails . In azure I see database and website created. I have searched for how to publish to azure but could find answer. I am using nopcommerce 3 and visual express 2013 for web where can I find step by step publish guide?
1.    Open the solution in Visual Studio
2.    Clean and Re-build the entire solution
3.    Publish the "Nop.Web" project from Visual Studio
You can publish through FTP or directly from visual studio using web deploy
a) FTP
you can published to a local File System then upload the published files through ftp. How to get FTP credentials for azure? you go - > My Account -> Management portal -> Choose your website -> go Dashboard -> quick glance
enter image description here
From here you can find the ftp credentials or you can 'Reset your deployment credentials' or 'Download the publish profile' or
For new azure portal go -> browse websites -> navigate to your website -> PROPERTIES From here you can find the ftp credentials or you can 'Reset your deployment credentials' or 'Download the publish profile' or
b) Visual Studio - web deploy
You can also deploy directly to azure from visual studio. Download or get the deployment credentials from azure using the above way and setup web deploy profile in visual studio enter image description here
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